Its Your Move Games takes community activism seriously. We have many connections to the community: we participate in our business district and have many connections to the other merchants in Temescal. We support the local schools, libraries and teachers with educational games, direct donations and community events. In the past we have we have supported many equity projects, providing a game room for San Quentin Prison, Holding winter toy drives for our local women’s shelter, providing game days for disadvantaged children. Providing a community space for adults with disabilities. Providing an inclusive safe place for many underserved communities.
Currently we are collecting donated games, money and time for the project hosted by the non profit SkunkWorks. They support prison reform at San Quentin prison. We are building a recreation room for them. You can help by purchasing games, donating new or used games, and donating time to Skunkworks.
Green Party Meeting Night: Third Sunday of the Month
Green Party meetings are still online only. In-store meetings are coming back soon.
The Oakland Green Party: a sub chapter of the Alameda Green Political Party has an open community meeting from 6:30 to 8:30 pm on the third Sunday of every month.