It’s Your Move Games is both a game store and a community hub.
We are engaged with our community on many levels, helping organizations, raising awareness of social issues, fundraising, working on equity issue within our community and being a hosting space for other like minded folks. We are a space for people to meet other passionate neighbors and to connect. Our strength is in what we do for the community in return, the community supports us.
We have been recognized by the Oakland Indie Awards, and we have won the Oakland Small Business Award for our community service and our support for the small business community. If your organization is interested in partnering with us, you can find our contact info at the bottom of the page.
Here are a few examples of our current social activism:
In 2023 we worked with non profit Skunk Works to build a game library at San Quintin Prison. In 2024 we are again working with SkunkWorks to build a chess room.
For the first time in 2023 we were able to Participate in the Piedmont Makers Faire- we played chess there and had a blast!
Come play chess with us downtown Oakland at First Friday’s
First year back at Peralta in Bloom since the pandemic ( we are a past Peralta and Edna Brewer family.).
We work with the Alameda County Library by supplying games for the Summer Reading Program, which gives underprivileged youth access to reading materials over the summer.
Supporting the local comedy scene here in Oakland for the last ten years with Critical Hit Comedy.
We host Open Game Nights to help local game designers test their games and spread their work. This event is donation-based, and no one is turned away due to lack of funds.
We are a host space and active members of the Oakland Green Party. We host monthly Oakland Green Party meetings.
A Monthly movie night every Third Sunday hosted by the Oakland Green Party of the month to sign up for this free event go here
We are active members of the Temescal BID, who work to develop the local businesses in the Temescal area.
We advocate Pink Spots, who work to connect the LGBTQ+ community.
We support Oakland Tech’s Bulldogs!
Working with 7th West to bring game nights to west Oakland, every Wednesday night! Sign up here
Some of our older social activism includes:
We support QWOCMAP, which aids queer women of color in the media arts.
A sweet article about our store history from 2022 from Oaklandside, a local paper.
We fund Toys for Tots, a donation group working to give underprivileged children access to toys.
We fund and volunteer at the Oakland Y’s underprivileged youth event
We hosted Oakland Public School Action 2020 meetings, a group who works to advocate issues of equity in Oakland’s public schools.
We support Many Cub Scouts and have been a meeting spot many times. Let us know if you would like to use our space!